Thursday, September 2, 2010

Marhaban Yes Ramadan

Hotel Murah di Bandung -  Welcome, O God sanctified months. Month noble, the prince of all months. My brother, be thankful because we were still given the chance to savor the beauty of worship in this glorious month. None other than the most glorious month of Ramadan. "In fact, Rasulullah SAW Syahrul title this month as fortunate. Month full of grace, forgiveness, and deliverance of sin for every servant of God, "said Ustad Ahmad Fauzi, Head of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Hedgehogs, to the Equator, yesterday.

Ramadan's wisdom that nothing will bring invaluable for those who passed the first ten days, until the last ten days with good works. Especially for those who always istiqamah run Lent, tarawih, tadarus, and qiamulail. "There are many virtues in the month of Ramadan which makes it a wonderful time full of charm. In this month the Qur'an was revealed, the reward doubled, the doors of heaven opened wide, and the gates of Hell are closed meetings, "said Fauzi.

Then, the beauty of Ramadan is also the outpouring of His grace in the first ten days. Magfirah spills or mercy in the second ten days, and the promise of deliverance from the fires of hell in the last ten days. "In the last ten days there was lailatulqadar night or the night a thousand months. Where every night they prostrated themselves therein to worship rewarded commensurate with the reward of a thousand months, "he explained.

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